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Re: Let's organize duscussion about CGI-programming for WWW


Alexey A. Shelkovich wrote:
> Hi friends,
> let's organize discussion about Common Gateway Interface (CGI)
> programming for the World Wide Web. I find it very interesting theme.
> Looking forward you suggestions,
> sincerely,
> Alexey A. Shelkovich

Great idea!

Also, I ordered and just received via FedEx some excellent CGI 
books.  (I purchased them at 10% to 30% discounts through a world 
wide web bookstore, with over 1,000,000 selections, called 
``AMAZON.COM'', see http://www.amazon.com and do a title search 
for word ``CGI''.  It's database is spectacular to say the least.)

These books are:

Que Development Group ``Special Edition Using Cgi'' (incl. CD-ROM)
(Note this is now missing from their database, I don't know if 
this means they are out of stock, or what. It's a nice book if 
you can get your hands on it, Que always puts out nice books.)

John Deep, Peter Holfelder ``Developing Cgi Applications With Perl''
ISBN: 0471141585 (1996, John Wiley & Sons)

William E. Weinman ``The Cgi Book'' (incl. CD-ROM)
ISBN: 1562055712 (1996, New Riders Pub.)


There's a quirk in their software where if I search for ``The 
CGI Book'' it won't find it, whereas if I search for ``The Cgi 
Book'' it will find it.

However sometimes it doesn't find exact titles so you can do a 
global title search for ``Cgi'' or ``CGI'' keyword and still 
get either upper/lower case variants of this acronym.

Please let me know if a CGI mailing list gets started. :-)


Version: 2.6.2


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